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An overture of silence, broken by words. The beginning of my online documentation.

Writer's picture: KakolukiaKakolukia

Updated: May 24, 2023

(A welcoming note) - first blog post.

Firstly, I want to welcome you to my blog page, a source of diary keeping on how my mind interacts and projects the experiences in my traveling and ever changing life. Through the blogging of my artistic and philosophical viewpoint in life, you will hear my perspective on how my creative and personal life created a merge into past and present. Expressing ideas for future artistic projects and dialogues that it may spark. Using artistic language in picking and breaking the world around us in formulating a cocoon of solidarity. Through the use of live commenting on each blog, it is my hope that we all use it as a form of dialogue in expressing our selves in this universal questions we are to embark. Revisiting the past in better understanding ourselves but equally the questions that may arise from it. From my departure and completion of FLOW, comes the next chapter, the beginning of something new. A solidary experience opened in different forms In the process of documenting my thoughts and perspective on how I view the world, many questions and visual dilemmas will be shared, some in a comprehensive blog sections and some more abstract and tackling themes and concepts that come to mind that will be touched upon as numeric volumes that dive deeper into the question at hand. With designated flip books with audible and visual experiences in taking the journey on each pressing question, to digital sketchbooks that can be virtually viewed of my drawings along my exploration.

All in the promise of immersion and understanding truly the question at hand, providing a dialogue for all the readers and listeners that wish to explore and engage with the blogs. A different approach to the mechanical and soul tainting aspect of "modern social media" that convert artist into content creators. The folly of modernization have stripped the core essence of love and compassion from the artist with their art. Creating a divide from the creators trait and voice with the people that get inspired by it. Example of a flipbook ( an alpha stage sample) click on the image for the flipbook to open


What is ahead for this experience? In contemplation on how to keep this going in all through my travels, I will be introducing tiers of helping to support this and in doing so, get exclusive rewards. Much like my twitch years where many of you supported me monthly, thus, this will mimic and elevate upon that in creating a deeper and much more rewarding system. Tiers of subscription:

Kakolukia blog started tier

Starter tier (Free tier) ~ Access to only the free blogs and commenting sections with the starting flipbook sample.

Kakolukia explorer tier

Explorer's tier (Monthly - 3.5 euros) ~ Access to all flipbooks and blogs ~ PNG files of current cover arts of the flipbooks. ~ 10% discount coupon to be used once in the printable section in the store. ~ 50 loyalty points monthly.

Kakolukia adventurer tier

Adventurer's Tier (Monthly - 10 euros) ~ Access to all flipbooks and blogs

~ PNG files of the artwork featured on the flipbook covers from. (all missed ones included) ~15% discount coupon to be used once in the printable section in the store. ~ On every 3rd month subbed, you get a free unique A5 print. ~ 120 loyalty points monthly.

Kakolukia personalized tier

Collector's Pack (Yearly - 100 euros) ~ Includes all the tier rewards from the "Adventurer's Tier". ~ A unique personal A5 drawing that we will work on together. ~ 1000 loyalty points on purchase.

*Click on the tier tittles to be prompted to the tier select page.


Scheduling of posts How often to expect blogs and flipbooks? As I will be on the move following the next months I will be creating entries monthly. I have already a lot of topics and ideas I want to elaborate upon, some already started and awaiting a deeper reflection as I begin my exploration and exposure of the outside world. Following this post, I will create a schedule announcement box in the blog page of my website where I will keep you guys posted on the latest thing that is going to be released and when will that be. Keeping a sense of routine but also being transparent with what is happening over on my side of things. Equivalently, I wish to keep this honest and "real", the purpose of this documentation is for genuine diary keeping with artwork coming out of the experience that is going to be reflected both in my state of mind but equally in the influences of my environment. Sparking questions and artistic experiences that push the boundaries of following an artist's journey. Allowing for an inclusive and comprehensive understanding of how the new personalized theme was born and what happened before that.


Loyalty rewards and Gift cards Loyalty rewards system By supporting or buying anything from the store, you get a points currency in the shop that you can redeem for rewards. Again, mimicking twitches point system but this time around you will actually be getting offers and free stuff of your choosing! Starting off with discount coupons to buy one get one free offers! More will be updated as time passes. The point acquisition is explained on the picture below. Note: any previews customer who bought products from the shop will be given 200 points from the get go ( and for those who ordered multiple times will be given 300). If you haven't received yours and you bought prints from the shop before, please contact me to resolve that. Click on the image below to be prompted to the loyalty section.

Kakolukia loyalty points

Gift cards Gift cards are an excellent way to share some of the art with your loved ones or people who you want to enjoy some of the art on the store. It is fully customizable by sending them the gift card directly, choosing the amount and when will it happen; be it birthdays or a special day you wish to shower them with love! Click on the image below to be prompted to the gift card section.

Kakolukia gift card


Closing statement As with the release of the welcoming note blog post, there is currently another blog that elaborates on an analogy that I have been formulating. To access that blog, you will be prompted in choosing your desired tier. Along side days before the full first volume of the Memoir flipbook you guys sampled in the beginning of the blog post. Excited and intrigued, of what is to come ahead, I am reminded of the wonders of inclusivity in an explorative environment, where people who care and are willing to interact, will sufficiently be rewarded both in understanding and being apart of the art process. As of anything in my artistic endeavors, as time goes by, I will be fine tuning this experience, constantly upgrading both the idea and the artwork that comes from it. Any feedback and ideas you might have, I'd love to listen to, in creating something truly worth experiencing both as the reader and as the writer. The comment section underneath the blog can be used to communicate and touch upon these topics, creating a way to elaborate and question the topic at hand. Thank you for taking the time to read all this, here is to the next chapter that is in store for us!

welcome blog kakolukia


45 views4 comments


Jul 26, 2023

I'm glad you made a blog! It's a great accompaniment to the wonderful art you create. Excited to read more...

Jul 27, 2023
Replying to

I am happy you think so, its been something that made sense to me to do. The wonder and beauty of combining multiple forms of art to express the very diverse feelings that accompany our lives. I hope the entries create a source of slow reflection, to be used as a form of introduction in new perspectives of this dynamic world.


May 22, 2023

I think you've found a great way to move forward and I'm very interested to see what you will write as time goes on. As you've said yourself it's always very interesting to hear how you process and think about specific topics that I wonder about myself too. It's funny that you mention how much helping people helps, especially if a type of dependency is created in the process. It's a recent topic for me too. I think you yourself have found a balanced way that you help people, and that there are other methods as well that are similarly 'effective' in not letting someone compromising their own agency while still also providing something they are in such desperate need…

May 22, 2023
Replying to

It started from walking on eggshells, to understanding the folly of my actions by the extend of "helping". I am not sure what I have found in all honestly, I simply stay vigilant of the changes that I may go through, or simply the actions that I take and their effects. I would be lying to say that with one thing that seemed right in the end, took 20 that were wrong before it. So this transparency that I believe these blog posts will have, is something, for anyone wishing to open up to what I would call a "constructive" way of observing art vs the comparison and league that many eagerly wish to place themselves on, forgetting the independency…

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