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LOG #30

WEEK 30 ~ 20/05/24

  • An extend of finishing the fifth design, designing the face took a bit more time than expected

  • The analogy how a character in a background interacts with the world that is created in and in the creation of the character without its background it creates an infinite loop of "what ifs".

  • A reflective talk on how the overhaul of skills and thought was documented on the timeline of designs.

  • A poll will be made on which design is the most desirable to experience its mock up interactive experience.

  • Final week of the design and its conclusion.

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LOG #31

WEEK 31 ~ 27/05/24

  • Design number 5 is officially over.

  • A reflective end, emphasis on slowing down the conclusion of design number 5- a reflective state that breaks patterns and breaths anew. With a small section left incomplete, for future iterations with it's story twist.

  • Acknowledgment of my artistical progression that reflects from the first till the fifth design, the fifth being the most skillfully inclined design.

  • Reflecting on how time spend on this theme brought fluctuational changes of old patters.

  • The beginning of the story recap of 'The Stonemason' that will take place every 10 logs. Initially to comprehend it better and to see how it slowly grows and changes with the new additions.

  • Work for this week; revisiting of the reference of design number 6, strengthen its foundations with a head-start of measurements for next week's drawing works and finishing of loose ends before the final design of the six statues.

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LOG #32

WEEK 32 ~ 03/06/24

  • Prepped work for the final design, design number 6.

  • A preliminarily roadmap has been created and featured on this page that will be updated monthly as I tackle its objectives till release.

  • A visual and audio breakdown of the preliminary roadmap and some live feedback on it.

  • Break down on the composition of the 6th design along with with a screenshot of its compositional shapes sections.

  • The beginning of composition number 6.

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LOG #33

WEEK 33 ~ 10/06/24

  • Beginning of design number 6.

  • Progression to sections 1 till 3, with the focus shifting to section 4 and 5.

  • Acknowledgment of mental health and the weight it implies on the story .

  • An unexpected scale issue occurred that was embraced and pondered on.

  • Reflecting on some questions that were raised from this final composition.

  • Working towards finalizing section 4 and 5.

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LOG #34

WEEK 34 ~ 17/06/24

  • Progression on design 6 with a deeper finalization of sections 1 to 5 but with 4 needing the most attention.

  • A reflective perspective on how to proceed in advertising the Stonemason along with the re-introduction of the FLOW catalogue this summer( happening after this design).

  • A deep elaboration upon on how the "origin" of these 6 compositions shifted with how newfound perspectives were aquired.

  • Proceeding with finalizing section 4 and introducing sections 6 to 7.

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LOG #35

WEEK 35 ~ 24/06/24

  • Progression onto sections 6 and measurements of 7

  • Reflecting on how a mistake made in the design could be corrected without the previews struggles of fixation.

  • Further explanation on how past mistakes caused an increase amount of fixation that destroyed logical thinking.

  • Opening about having a break for the 28th of June till 4th of July.

  • Need of further reflection after this final 6th design is created. With the re-advertising of FLOW catalogue and its paintings.

  • Working on sections 7 and 8

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LOG #36

WEEK 36 ~ 01/06/24

  • Progression on design 6; section 7 is complete with fully measured section 8. Three sections are left till the completion of the piece.

  • Elaborating how the new break will be utilized, and a wishful thinking of direction that the break will yield.

  • Bringing forth lessons of the past and how changes came from overcoming inadequate lessons of my hyper fixation on working constantly.

  • Voicing how finite such moments in one's life are; the amount of time spend and dedication in creating a personalized theme bereft of the many responsibilities that life can throw at you.   

  • Break week commence; 28th of June till 4th of July. Followed with a log that voices what was learned from the break.

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LOG #37

WEEK 37 ~ 08/06/24

  • Summery of the break week and its new insights.

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LOG #38

WEEK 38 ~ 15/06/24

  • Progression on design 6; section 7 and 8 with measurements of 9 and 10 ready to be drawn.

  • A newfound energy was gained from the respite of last week.

  • Gaining a new appreciations of the effort placed on the story and its illustrations.

  • The new final date of this design is scheduled to be the 24th of July at the latest.

  • Working on finalizing all sections of the design, leaving the tweaking of textures/shadows for next week.

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LOG #39

WEEK 39 ~ 22/06/24

  • Progression on design number 6; section 10 was developed the most. Measurements of design number 6 is all done, awaiting to be depicted.

  • Slowing down the speed for the last three sections and its benefits.

  • A metaphorical "cleansing" of the mind with cleaning and decluttering.


  • Reflecting on how the ego and the level of completion of the design affects both the creator and the observer.

  • Aiming to finalize the design this week - marking the end of the 6 compositional designs of chapter 3.

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LOG #40

WEEK 40 ~ 22/06/24

  • Design number 6 is practically done, only re-evaluation is left to be had for shades and details.

  •  10 logs have past, marking the second attempt of elaborating the synopsis of the story of The Stonemason; additional information on the direction and desired effect of the story, along side with the background story that will be experienced.

  • This week its a re-evaluation of all 6 designs before moving forward towards the next steps of The Stonemason's journey.

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